- OPUS Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Vol: 16 Issue: Eğitim ve Toplum Special Issue
- Teacher Competencies
Teacher Competencies
Authors : Fırat Birel
Pages : 6271-6292
View : 9 | Download : 6
Publication Date : 2020-12-31
Article Type : Review
Abstract :General survey and description methods were used in the research. Teacher skills which have continuity in teacher education have been researched and classified by making literature review. Studies, designs and applications about teacher’s previous skills, today’s educations systems that undergo rapid change and transformation and skills that teacher must possess to adapt these changes were explored. Firstly, considering their results and success levels, current practices of teaching profession in different countries and educational systems were compared. I particularly investigated the instruments and approaches being used by countries and societies that follow up with and adapt to technological developments and how they benefit from them. In this study’s first parts, I discussed the processes that teacher competencies went through from past to present and similar teacher qualifications in different societies. I investigated the new requirements and phenomenon emerged from social developments and how they affected teaching profession. Subsequently, I referred to development and diversification of teacher skills. Finally, the changes in teaching profession and skills in the face of rapidly changing technological developments were examined. In the light of new research and literature review, I discussed the future skills that teachers should have. The teaching profession is a profession that needs to be possessed with many skills. Some of them can be listed as subject matter knowledge, general culture, pedagogical formation, openness to communication and positive communication, trustworthiness, preparing the environments that will provide the student's development, a well time management, providing motivation, counseling, following and functional use of technology, being tolerant and patient, acting democratic and creating a democratic classroom environment, flexibility and being a good listener and transferring information in accordance with the characteristics of the students.Keywords : Sınıf yönetimi, değişim, küreselleşme, motivasyon, pedagoji