- Journal of Ekonomi
- Vol: 3 Issue: 1
- Research on the levels of knowledge of youth in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy ...
Research on the levels of knowledge of youth in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
Authors : Amra Nuhanovic
Pages : 1-4
View : 16 | Download : 7
Publication Date : 2021-06-30
Article Type : Research
Abstract :As youth find it easier to embrace new ways of thinking, this research sought to send important lessons/messages and develop an awareness of the importance of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. Therefore, by continuing to educate and inform youth about these issues, they would directly influence both their own and the awareness of their parents or households in which they reside, with the aim of encouraging proper energy management, so that at the end, each family, through proper behavior and implementation of appropriate measures, with little additional cost, could save on energy costs. According to the foregoing, the main objective of the research is to investigate the knowledge levels of students in the 1st cycle of studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Tuzla, in the field of energy efficiency and renewable sources. The methodology used in the paper is based on the use of primary (survey questionnaire) and secondary (desk research) data sources. The research results have shown a very low level of knowledge and awareness of youth about the importance of energy efficiency and using renewable sources of energy, about the lack of informative and promotional activities in this field, as well as about the interest in environmental protection and energy consumption. Finally, insufficient involvement of youth in the decision-making process regarding energy efficiency and renewable energy was detected.Keywords : Youth, Education, Awareness, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy sources