Authors : Nurdan Filik
Pages : 30-35
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Publication Date : 2024-11-05
Article Type : Other
Abstract :ABSTRACT Work with the dead but working for the living. Term post-mortem examination colud be applied to any examination of body after death, adhering to legal bases. Autopsy are commonly regarded as synonyms for post-mortem examination, but only autopsy correctly matches aim of procedure: to study and directly observe body rather than rely on indicators of disease, such as clinical signs and symptoms. Fish autopsy is a thorough examination and dissection of a dead animal’s body to determine the cause of death. A conclusion can be reached after considering several observations. Autopsy is the most essantial piece at fish medicine. An autopsy (pathological anatomy, postmortem examination, obduction, necropsy, or autopsia) is a surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a died fish by dissection to determine the cause, mode, and manner of death or to evaluate any disease or injury. Autopsies are unremarkably conducted by a specialized doctor. Look for sings of internal bleeding, particularly free blood in body cells, damaged vessels, or bleeding organs. Tumors, blood clots, clogged ducts and vessels, ruptured or punctured organs and effects are other topics you should investigate. Several culprits colud be identified at autopsy in Sudden Death (SD) victims, consist of artery, system, valve, and heart diseases. However, particularly in a not-so-minor amount of cases (mors sine materia or so-called unexplained SD) and inherited ion channel diseases are implicated (QT syndromes and ventricular tachycardia). These channelopathies are beacuse of defective genes encoding for proteins of ion channels or for receptors regulating intracellular calcium release. Molecular autopsy still represent pioneer diagnosticate also in setting of structurally heart and employment of molecular biology and genetics is of solve puzzle of such “silent” autopsy. The purpose of this reviewer is to explain the suspicions in fish deaths and the concept of autopsy to search for answers. In this compilation literature contend that the molecular autopsy and autopsy remains an important procedure with substantial, potential to advance medical knowledge and improve clinical practice.Keywords : Balık otopsisi, Moleküler otopsi, Balık cerrahisi, Balık hastalıkları, , Anestezi