Authors : Özcan Başkan
Pages : 1-8
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Publication Date : 1997-01-01
Article Type : Research
Abstract :In proceeding towards a certain target, a system must maintain an already established equilibrium. But, disruptive factors always tend to upset this balance. Therefore, the system must constantly monitor its status, and must implement necessary adjustments. This can only be achieved by communication within the format of feedback information. In any organization, whether commercial or otherwise, such communication involves a steady and reliable flow of information. But, persons might tend to withold, event to distort information from others when they feel that their advantageous position might be jeopardized. Therefore, the main problem in re-structuration of an organization is not so much the insuffıciency of existing communication paraphernalia, as the interpersonal distribution of information. This latter can only be achieved by healthily ensuring maximum amount of available information, not only along the horizontal axis among departments but also along the vertical axis between the general manager and the rank-and-file elements.Keywords : Yine-Yapılanım, Yine-Yapılanım Olgusu, Bildirişim, Bildirişimde Yine-Yapılanım, Bildirişimde Yine-Yapılanım Olgusu