The Value of Data for Improving Effectiveness of Campus Courses: the Case of Hybrid Moocs

Authors :Oğuz Ak, Selim Yazıcı, Sevinç Gülseçen
Pages :165-176
Abstract :In recent years with the advances in technology, learners started to learn various concepts in informal learning environments apart from the official traditional learning programs. We describe such learning environments as part of the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) approach. One great resource for these environments is using Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Learners can learn any subject by enrolling in MOOCs easily and develop themselves by reaching their personal learning goals. But in such an informal learning environment, it would be hard to manage the learning process. Learners need some ability to manage this process that is called “self-regulation”. There are some problems in both fully face to face learning (like difficulties in following courses), and fully online MOOCs (like lack of interaction). So, a midway approach is a hybrid MOOC that is a combination of both methods. Literature and author experiences indicated that this method would make learning more effective. However, there is a need for improving the method with proper data management. We provide a list of data collection methods in hybrid MOOCs and explain how this data helped us to improve the learning process. In the PLE approach, students need data to shape their learning process, similarly instructors need to obtain data with various strategies and reshape the course structure by using this data. We think that in education, data usage is somehow limited, but it is required for making it more efficient.
Keywords :Hybrid massive open online courses, Massive open online course, Educational data analysis, Data for evaluation, Data for quality of education
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