Fifty Years of Turkish Political Development 1919-1969

Fifty Years of Turkish Political Development 1919-1969

  • Publisher : Istanbul University Press
  • ISBN : 978-605-07-0869
  • Author(s) : Ismet Giritli
  • Publishing Year : 1969
  • Publishing Date : 1969-04-15
  • Total Pages : 0
  • Total Article View : 21
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  • Open Access Book Url:
  • Book Abstract: This book is not a work of research. It does not claim all its chapters to be original either in the information or the ideas it provides. İt attempts merely to be useful, up-to-date, and accurate.
    The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923. It emerged from the ruins of the six-century old Ottonıan Empire after a bitter struggle for national independence, starting on May 19- 1919. Republican Tıırkey has inherited much from the Empire İt has also made such revolutionary changes that Turkish achievement during the last fifty years (1919-1969) has been unique. These changes are the subject of this book.
    This book contains the text of sonıe lectures deliıered at Columbia University during the 1968-69 academic year. Their theme is the political development of Turkey. the Second Turkish Republic and its changing institutions.
    I should like to record my thanks to Columbia University and my colleagues for giving me this opportunity to present my views on this subject.
    I am indebted to several scholars for some of what appears in the following pages. Needless to say, I assume sole responsibility for the views and opinions expressed herein.