Turkey's Trade Prospects in the Common Market: An Exploratory Study

Turkey's Trade Prospects in the Common Market: An Exploratory Study

  • Publisher : Istanbul University Press
  • ISBN : 978-605-07-1271
  • Author(s) : Seyomur S. Goodman
  • Publishing Year : 1969
  • Publishing Date : 1969-08-15
  • Total Pages : 0
  • Total Article View : 10
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  • Open Access Book Url: https://iupress.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/book/turkeys-trade-prospects-in-the-common-market-an-exploratory-study/home
  • Book Abstract: Prof. Seymour Goodman from Tulane University, New Orleans, U.S.A., visited the Institııte of Economic Development, during the academic year 1966-1967, through UNESCO's financial aid, and started the.s research while also devoting part of his time to seminars on Tıırkish Economy. The focus of this study is on Tıırkey's future development and this vital problem is analyzed in some detail. Questions and comments on certain issues may be raised, and members of the Institute may not agree on certain views and ideas put forward by the author, but in general, the book presents an objective and interesting analysis.

    Prof. Dr. Sabri F. ÜLGENER