Turkey's International Economic Relations

Turkey's International Economic Relations

  • Publisher : Istanbul University Press
  • ISBN : 978-605-07-0857
  • Author(s) : Erdoğan Alkin
  • Publishing Year : 1983
  • Publishing Date : 1983-12-15
  • Total Pages : 0
  • Total Article View : 17
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  • Open Access Book Url: https://iupress.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/book/turkeys-international-economic-relations/home
  • Book Abstract: This second and enlarged edition attempts to give a descriptive summary of Turkey’s International economic relations from a historical perspective. I hope that the people who wish to be better informed about the latter period of the Turkish economy will be enlightened by this book.

    I want to acknowledge my debt to Ass. Atam Orhon and Mrs. Freda M. Roberts for editing my work, Güryay Publishing Company for their expertise, and all those people whom have made this book possible. None of the above should be held responsible for any inaccuracies found therein.

    Erdoğan ALKİN
    December, 1983